The Compleat Biz : Rob Wherrett
An insight into a very different way of perceiving business. This is business philosophy – an essential precursor to driving strategy.
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The Fractal Organization : Patrick Hoverstadt
A systems approach to organisation design. Not an easy read but a very rigorous approach. Useful if you are thinking about changing structure.
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101 Executive Uses for a Square Camel : Rob Wherrett
A broad spectrum approach to embedding Creativity in the organisation. Shows how to avoid massive waste of project resource by challenging preconceptions. Contains a useful number of techniques; case studies; and some of the psychology. The aim is to allow anyone to develop their creativity skills without having to change themselves.
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Strategic Decision Making : Simon Haslam & Ben Shenoy
Making strategic decisions is a fundamental skill for leaders and managers. Strategic Decision Making addresses this challenge by providing a framework that can be used to make sound decisions in an uncertain world.
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Patterns of Strategy : Patrick Hoverstadt & Lucy Loh
Aimed at decision makers and senior people who are the custodians of their organisations’ strategies, it offers specific guidance in a world where choice can be daunting.
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Beside Ourselves : Naomi Quenk
A really great series of insights into human psychology and why people behave naturally the way they do. Under pressure what can happen to tip them over the edge into the ‘grip’ and become ineffective. Plus what you can do to bring them back.
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The Definitive Book of Body Language : Allan & Barbara Pease
Exactly what it says on the cover.
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Flow: The Psychology of Happiness : Mihály Csikszentmihalyi
The outstanding work on how people achieve happiness through everyday activities. Essential understanding for a business leader.
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Confidence at work : Ros Taylor
Get it. Feel it. Keep it.
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Learned Optimism : Martin Seligman
Known as the father of the new science of positive psychology, Martin Seligman draws on more than twenty years of clinical research to demonstrate how optimism enchances the quality of life, and how anyone can learn to practice it.
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The Social Psychology of Behaviour in Small Groups : Donald Pennington
Topics include the structure and formation of groups and the roles that individuals play within groups, as well as more applied areas such as co-operation and conflict, teamwork, leadership and decision-making in small groups.
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Off-The-Shelf IT Solutions : Martin Tate
What has this got to do with leadership? Well it’s a common failing not to identify the issues surrounding the purchase of IT solutions. This book gives real insight and anyone following the advice will be leading in their organisation. A must for SME’s.
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Learning for Organizational Development : Eileen Arney
This book presents how to design, deliver and evaluate effective learning and development (L&D) programmes.
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