There’s a lot of talk right now about the economics of Brexit and Scottish Independence. For those getting bogged down in “things will be worse for a while” let me throw in a much longer-term idea. Coaching societal change. It is also quite significant in its impact. If we were coaching Scotland to be more […]
Is Cameron doomed to the same fate as Gordon Brown? Why do seemingly infallible politicians tend to come unstuck? There seems to be something about senior people in (British) Politics who get wrapped up in self-belief and a mantra of infallibility. For years we were told repeatedly that Gordon Brown was the “Iron Chancellor” and […]
LEAVE are offering a very selfish view. REMAIN are trying to scare the daylights out of everyone. Where is the CIVILISED DEBATE? It seems as though the two sides of the Referendum argument are of the opinion that the British people are entirely selfish and will only respond on the basis of What’s in it […]
2 different but significant points about accountability and the general debate on Brexit. FIRSTLY The existing UK Government is far from accountable on many things. Take Immigration as a major example. When the last changes were made, introducing the Tier-based system for non-EU immigrants, the primary legislation essentially made three key demands. a) That the […]
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