LEAVE are offering a very selfish view. REMAIN are trying to scare the daylights out of everyone. Where is the CIVILISED DEBATE? It seems as though the two sides of the Referendum argument are of the opinion that the British people are entirely selfish and will only respond on the basis of What’s in it […]
I muse upon this in the aftermath of the recent election and installation of Pope Francis I. Now what, I hear you ask, has this got to do with Leadership and Management or Intelligence? Why is Leadership seemingly so unintelligent? Consider the following: We know (as modern science has explained) the origins of the universe […]
Now this is going to be quite short but covers the important issue of Civil Service accountability. Over recent years I have come across a number of instances where the Civil Service in the execution of their duties have seen fit to impose an interpretation of the Law that has no foundation in legislation. All […]
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